All presentations, exhibits, displays, and tours are free and open to the public. No registration required.

The following artistic performance requires a paid admission:

A Choir is the Place Where the ‘I’ and the People Meet” (Fr. L. Giussani)

Performance Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9:00 pm. Open seating. Tickets are $20 and are available online and at the door.


What Is Christianity?

A presentation of the fundamental elements of the Christian fact in light of At the Origin of the Christian Claim by Msgr. Luigi Giussani, with speakers Fr. Julián CARRÓN, President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation Movement; and Fr. Sidney GRIFFITH, Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature at the Catholic University of America.

In a dialogue with a group of university students in 1978, the late Msgr. Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation, asked:  "What is Christianity? What is it? We have to find an answer that would be valid for me even if I were an atheist. Do you get it? Even though I wouldn’t accept it, the answer has to be valid for me." More than 25 years later, in a letter to the Blessed John Paul II, he wrote that he had no intention of “founding” anything, but only “to proclaim the need to return to the elementary aspects of Christianity, that is to say, the passion of the Christian fact as such in its original elements, and nothing more.”

The lecture will address the rationality of faith in the light of the work of Msgr. Giussani.