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The White Rose

Monument to the "White Rose" in front of the Maximilian University of MunichIn the summer of 1942, and in February of 1943, a group of students of the Faculty of Medicine in Munich risked their lives handing out flyers signed, "White Rose." They called for resistance to Hitler's regime, and demanded liberty for the German people. Why did these friends risk their lives? What united them? What was at the origin of their courage? The exhibit will document the moving story of this group of students.

Recommended reading:
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose by Annette Dumbach and Jud Newborn, published in 2006 (Oneworld Publications)
The White Rose: Munich, 1942-1943 (originally published as Students Against Tyranny) by Inge Scholl, revised edition published in 2000 (University Press of New England)

German stamp of Sophie SchollGeschwister Scholl stamp,GDR,1961

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