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Blessed John Henry Newman

In his visit to the U.K. in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI indicated Cardinal Newman as a figure to look at, above all, for his position in front of modernity. The exhibit intends to take up the Holy Father's invitation by presenting Newman's life through a thematic journey. As Newman himself wrote in his epitaph, "Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem" ("From shadows and appearances into the truth"), consciousness and love of beauty were the moving forces on his long journey toward certainty of the truth.

Works of John Henry Newman include: Apologia Pro Vita Sua (religious autobiography), Loss and Gain (novel), Callista (novel), Grammar of Assent (Newman's seminal work), and Idea of a University (volume of lectures). Many of his works can be found free at:

Other books of note about John Henry Newman: Newman - His Life and Legacy by Ian Ker and John Henry Newman: A Biography by Ian Ker.

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