All presentations, exhibits, displays, and tours are free and open to the public. No registration required.

The following artistic performance requires a paid admission:

A Choir is the Place Where the ‘I’ and the People Meet” (Fr. L. Giussani)

Performance Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9:00 pm. Open seating. Tickets are $20 and are available online and at the door.


Fr. Peter Cameron

Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. was ordained a Dominican priest in 1986. In addition to his work as Editor-in-Chief of Magnificat (, he is the chairman of the department of homiletics at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, and the artistic director of Blackfriars Repertory Theatre in New York City. He is the author of ten books. The most recent is entitled Made for Love, Loved by God.