A Choir is the Place Where the "I" and the People Meet

Congratulations to all our winners!
Rimini Meeting website article:
"Finally a thought for Christians who, in various parts of the world, have difficulty in openly professing their faith and in being recognized and given the right to live with dignity. They are our brothers and sisters, courageous witnesses - even more numerous than our martyrs in the early centuries - who endure with apostolic perseverance the many current forms of persecution. Quite a few also risk their lives to remain faithful to the Gospel of Christ. I wish to assure my closeness in prayer to individuals, families and communities who suffer violence and intolerance and I repeat to them the consoling words of Jesus: "Take courage, I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33)."
Want to tell your parish, diocese, or school about New York Encounter but don't know where to start? We have a solution. Feel free to use the text below, or download the copy as a convenient PDF (link at the bottom of this post).
Come and visit NEW YORK ENCOUNTER - a cultural festival to foster dialogue between faith and the public sphere of life. Organized by Communion and Liberation. Manhattan Center on West 34th Street @ 8th Avenue. All events are open to the public, most events are free.
To see full blog post, click title at top.
Enrollment to volunteer at the 2014 NY Encounter is now open! To sign up or for more information, email us at: volunteers@newyorkencounter.org
$5.00 per ticket gets you a chance to win one of the prizes below:
$700 1st prize
$300 2nd prize
$200 3rd prize
Drawing held December 21, 2013
Results will be posted on this blog following the drawing
For more information,
please call 646-571-2341
Videos for the events are now available here.
Videos can also be found under the indiviudal schedule entries. Please watch and share!
600 Third Avenue
Second Floor, Room 208
New York, NY 10016
P. 646.571.2341, or 914.548.1275
For information about volunteering, contact volunteers@newyorkencounter.org