At the Heart of New York Encounter

Love, truth, beauty and justice are at the center of and gives meaning to our human experience. "At the Heart of New York Encounter" is a series of displays highlighting charitable, cultural, and work-related initiatives including the areas of: Education, Medicine, Charity, Music, Arts, Mission, and Literature. Come meet and talk with those involved in this work. The displays for "At the Heart of New York Encounter" will be open Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday in the Manhattan Center.


Reality, Reason, Freedom: At the Root of the Religious Quest

A discussion on The Religious Sense by L. Giussani with speakers Fr. Julián CARRÓN, President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation Movement; H.Em. Sean Cardinal O’MALLEY, Archbishop of Boston; and moderator Michael WALDSTEIN, Professor of Theology, Ave Maria University

Transcript: Reality, Reason, Freedom: At the Root of the Religious Quest

What lies at the heart of any authentic religious experience? This is the topic of this discussion based on the work of Msgr. Luigi Giussani, the late founder of Communion and Liberation in whose life New York Encounter finds its inspiration. Is religiosity grounded in reality or is it a mechanism of the mind? Does it require the use of reason or is it intrinsically irrational? What is the role of freedom in religious experience? Does religiosity facilitate intolerance or dialogue?