All presentations, exhibits, displays, and tours are free and open to the public. No registration required.

The following artistic performance requires a paid admission:

A Choir is the Place Where the ‘I’ and the People Meet” (Fr. L. Giussani)

Performance Saturday, January 18, 2014, 9:00 pm. Open seating. Tickets are $20 and are available online and at the door.



New York Encounter (NYE) is an annual three-day public cultural festival in the heart of New York City.

Organized by members of the Catholic movement Communion and Liberation and by the Crossroads Cultural Center, NYE strives to witness to the new life and knowledge generated by the faith, following Pope Benedict's claim that "the intelligence of faith has to become the intelligence of reality."

In pursuit of this goal—and according to St. Paul’s suggestion to "test everything and retain what is good"—NYE aims to discover, affirm, and offer to everyone truly human expressions of the desire for truth, beauty, and justice. NYE, thus, becomes a meeting point for people of different beliefs, traditions, and cultures striving for reciprocal understanding, mutual building, and true friendship.

Through a vast array of conferences, artistic performances, and exhibits, NYE is both a dwelling place and a point of departure for men and women wishing to live fully and to promote a society of truth and love.

Communion and Liberation is an international movement in the Roman Catholic Church founded in 1954 by the late Msgr. Luigi Giussani. Its purpose is the education to the Catholic faith of its adherents.

Crossroads Cultural Center was founded in 2004 by members of Communion and Liberation who shared an interest in the relationship between religion and culture. St. Paul’s suggestion, "Test everything, retain what is good," sums up Crossroads' ideals.

For more information please
call (646) 571-2341 or 914-548-1275

New York Encounter is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Tax deductible donations can be made by checks or online by clicking here.

New York Encounter, 600 Third Avenue, Second Floor, Room 208, New York, NY 10016